Healing Services
4th Sunday of the month at 9.30 am
This is an opportunity for anointing with oil and laying on of hands for healing of worshippers or others of concern.
Children’s Focused Service
1st Sunday of the month at 9.30 am
Children's story and activity
Bless Your Pets Service
“Animals have the same source as human beings. Like us, they derive the life of thought, will, and love from the Creator” words attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi
We acknowledge the companionship and relationship we have with our fellow creatures and invite people to bring your family’s dog, cat, guinea pig, goldfish or other exotic creature to be blessed at this special service held in the church grounds every October (date varies due to school holidays).
Rev'd Jo is very happy to work with families and couples to plan relevant and meaningful services to mark the special occasions in people’s lives.